A Sincere Thank You
The development of the Dorchester Food Co-op is supported by generous donors and partners—including individuals, foundations, corporations, and other organizations—that share the DFC's mission and vision. We are proud to recognize the following supporters:
American Heart Association
Boston Children’s Collaboration for Community Health
Boston Collaborative for Food and Fitness
The Boston Foundation
Boston Impact Initiative
Boston Public Health Commission
Boston Trust Walden Company
Bowers Fund
Burgess Urban Fund of the Episcopal City Mission
Cabot Family Charitable Trust
City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Food Justice
City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion
Cummings Foundation
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Family Nurturing Center
Food Co-op Initiative
Green Dorchester
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation
Henry P. Kendall Foundation
Hyams Foundation
Jane B. Cook 1992 Charitable Trust
Klarman Family Foundation
Krupp Family Foundation
Local Enterprise Assistance Fund
MA Exec Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
MA Dept. of Housing and Community Development
Millennium Ten Initiative
New England Grassroots Environment Fund
Paul and Edith Babson Foundation
Reinvestment Fund Healthy Food Financing Initiative
Social Innovation Forum
Sparkplug Foundation
Topol Family Fund
Trefler Foundation
USDA Local Food Promotion Program
USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Vela Foundation
Wild Geese Foundation
Cooperative Development Institute
Codman Academy
East Boston Savings Bank
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation
Partners Health Care
Shawmut Construction
Steward Health Care
In-Kind Support
Ashmont Grill
City of Boston Office of Food Initiatives
City of Boston, Mayor's Office of Economic Development
Codman Square Health Center
Conservation Law Foundation Legal Food Hub
Cooperative Fund of New England
Food Coop Initiative
Kit Clark Senior Services
Klavens Law Group
Neighboring Food Coop Association
Boston Area Gleaners
Boston Public Health Commission
Bowdoin St. Health Center
Codman Square Health Center
Codman Square Neighborhood Council
Codman Square NDC
Dorchester Bay EDC
Family Nurturing Center
Oasis on Ballou Urban Farm
ReVision Urban Farm
Upham's Corner Health Center PACE Program
Urban Farming Institute