Co-op Featured in the Bay State Banner
The Dorchester Food Co-op is excited to be featured on the front page of the Bay State Banner (ARTICLE)this week. The article follows the announcement of the Boston Planning and Development Agency’s approval for the building project at 191-195 Bowdoin St; the potential future home of the Dorchester Food Co-op. Dorchester Food Co-op is celebrating this step while also recognizing just how complex the process is. While the developer, Viet-Aid, has named the Co-op as a preferred retail tenant for the proposed building, there is still much work to be done. With your help we can make this vision a reality!
3 Things You Can Do Today to Help the Co-op Land a Home:
1. JOIN UP and say “Yes!” to a community- and worker-owned grocery store in Dorchester. Become a member-owner today.
2. SPREAD THE WORD. Share this post with 3 local friends and let them know why you love your Co-op’s vision.
3. HELP SHAPE THE FOOD REVOLUTION. Got a knack for fundraising, community outreach or financial analysis? Connect with us today!
OUR COMMUNITY. OUR MARKET. Together, we have a vision of a community space that gathers, nourishes, and empowers people. Every single person who contributes, either through membership, volunteering, or spreading the word is helping to get us one step closer to making OUR COMMUNITY. OUR MARKET. a reality.